Water is a building block of life. Without it, we will not be here. And no animal or plant life will survive. Water is the number one source of nourishment for the human body. There are many water sources available today. But which one is better, purified water vs spring water?
As you walk through the isles of the grocery store, you will come across rows and rows of bottled water. You will see labels like purified water and spring water. Sometimes you will see filtered water, mineral water, or artesian water. There are so many choices! But what does it mean?
Water labeling is a marketing tactic that manufacturers use to make you want to buy the product. It can mean the same thing. For example, spring water is the same as well water, groundwater, or artesian water.
The classification of water is dependent on the source of the water. Or the type of process the water has undergone. But for this article, we will focus on the two most popular kinds: purified water vs. spring water.
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What is purified water vs. spring water?
A discussion on purified water vs. spring water should be clear. It must start from their similarities and differences. Then you can decide which one is best for you and our family, purified water vs. spring water?
What is purified water?
Purified water is water that has undergone physical filtration. In this process, substances get removed, resulting in pure water. It includes silt, minerals, and other pollutants. Some purification processes can also remove microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.
Have you heard of distilled water, a regular experiment for school science projects? It is a form of purified water that used to be the standard for drinking water safety. In distillation, water vapor produced from boiling water gets condensed back to liquid. It leaves impurities like salt behind.
Today, water purification methods include reverse osmosis, ion exchange, and carbon filtration. The list goes on and on. Sometimes, the processes get combined to produce even cleaner water. You might hear of terms like a multistage filtration system. It means the water has undergone several filtration processes.
What is spring water?
Springwater is water that comes from underground sources. It has undergone natural filtration methods as it flows from the start to the reservoir. These natural filters include layers of clay, limestone, and sandstone.
The US Environmental Protection Agency or EPA considers water as spring water only if it comes from an underground aquifer. So, don’t get confused with names like mineral water, well-water, or artesian water. They belong to the same group of water classification.
Some people love spring water due to its distinct and pleasant taste. It is because of the natural minerals that get dissolved in this water. Some even consider it as the closest thing you can get to natural and pure drinking water.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of purified water vs. spring water?
There are many advantages and disadvantages of purified water vs. spring water. But instead of listing them one by one, we will look at the similarities and differences of these types of water.
Both purified and spring water are types of water that have undergone filtration processes. It means that both have passed certain levels of removal of unhealthy substances. The difference is the kind of filtration method done. For purified water, filtration is done by humans or by devices made by men. For spring water, filtration is entirely from nature.
Another similarity is that both get monitored by the government. For drinking water, it must pass standards set by the EPA and the FDA. The EPA ensures that water is from trusted sources and that it has no health and environmental hazards. In contrast, the FDA regulates the manufacturing (or bottling) and marketing of the water. In other words, the EPA regulates public water while the FDA oversees bottled water.
In addition, both purified water and spring water needs to comply with safety standards. Federal and state laws require the presence of impurities in the water below 500ppm. PPM stands for parts per million. And when you see 1PPM, that means there is one milligram of particles for every one liter of water.
Purified water should maintain PPM at ten or less to be allowed by the government agencies. Springwater, on the other hand, does not have strict guidelines on PPM. It is known to have high levels since the minerals are intact. But it should not exceed 500PPM, which is the standard for tap water. Anything below 500 is acceptable and safe for drinking.
What is better, purified water vs. spring water?
Now we come to the most vital question. What is better, purified water vs. spring water? No one answer will tick all the boxes. It depends on your preference.
Some people think that spring water is the best water since it is all-natural and free from human intervention (or has limited human involvement). After all, history tells us that man is the single and most important factor that destroys nature, including water sources.
Springwater also has all the good stuff in it. Imagine all the minerals and nutrients that you can get for free from nature. It also has a sweet and natural taste. It is very different from the often bland taste of purified water.
Others will argue that purified water is the best since it is almost 99% free from all pollutants and contaminants in water. It also kills bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases in humans. Also, it is a practical choice in city centers and highly urbanized areas. There is no spring water source in these areas.
For frequent travelers, purified water is also the best option. In certain areas or countries, spring water is dirty. You may also observe that it is bottled unhygienically. If you are not sure about the source, choose purified water vs. spring water.
Whatever water type you choose, it will depend on your circumstances and preferences. It is something that you must decide for yourself. And after considering the health of your family too. Rest assured that both types are safe and regulated by the government.
So, what is the best water for you? Is it purified water vs. spring water?