Focus on your safety when you are required to wear an apron. Burns are the most common injuries reported during a welding process. Sparks and patter can go as far as causing second and third-degree burns to the welder. Welding safety aprons are vital to protecting yourself from these risks.
Welding aprons are essential in working conditions where you need to protect your front body. Though aprons are used in welding, they are also beneficial even in cleaning, woodworking, grinding, and grilling. For additional protection, cover your hands with leather sleeves to escape burns from sparks and heat.
An apron will significantly keep your clothes from getting burn holes. However, it’s essential to focus on the material of the apron you purchase for your work. A leather or a canvas apron can be best for a welder.
Read below for a description of these two protective materials;
Table of Contents
Leather welding safety apron
The best leather material for welding is made from cow’s skin since it is strong and heat resistant. However, this makes it more expensive, and it’s heavy to carry it on the whole day. Leather is not suitable to be washed as it is a natural product. Being heavy, however, does not hinder welders from choosing leather for their work.
So why do people prefer leather aprons the most? Read below for the answers
- Heat and flame resistance
- Its long-lasting and strong
What can make one avoid buying a leather apron? Below are reason why it’s a piss off to some buyers;
- It’s a bit expensive
- Its not suitable for washing
Waxed canvas apron
Waxed canvas is an excellent and robust material that is used in making aprons. Aprons made from these materials are light, waterproof, and less expensive when compared to leather aprons. Waxed canvas is, however, not the best for welding since it does not offer protection against high heat and sparks.
Below are reasons why waxed canvas aprons are preferred;
- They are light and durable.
- They are waterproof
Canvas aprons are, however, not the best as they are not fire-resistance
Washing welding clothes
How You wash your welding clothes will be determined by the materials used to make them. As discussed above, a leather apron should is washed differently compared to a waxed canvas apron. So let’s discuss below how you can wash either of them separately;
Washing leather aprons
Though leather is not water-friendly, it’s always easy to get it clean when need be. You can easily clean your leather apron using a piece of cloth with some natural soap and warm water. For instance, your hair shampoo is one of the best natural soap you can have within your reach.
It’s not advisable to spot clean a leather apron. To offer the best care for your apron, wipe or brush all its surface after every use. You should also invest in a suitable air hose to remove any dust particles that may have attached themselves to your apron during your work.
To keep your leather apron new and shining, use a leather conditioner or cleaner that is in lotion form and often applies according to the instructions labeled on the bottle. Avoid using a cleanser or conditioner in oil or paste form, as it will not give you the best results. Please choose the best care for your leather apron for you to enjoy its long-lasting benefits.
After washing, let your leather apron dry in the sun for a while. It should not stay for that long since leather will stiffen over time. This will make it hard for you to work in that apron. Also, avoid socking the apron in water; instead, wipe it slowly. You can scab where there is oil presence.
Even with their heavyweight, leather aprons are the most preferred since they are diverse. Read below for their various uses;
Uses of leather aprons
A leather apron will generally offer protection against your front body. The fundamental reason for wearing an apron is for protection against blemishes, heat, and piercing objects.
When welding, an apron is essential for protection against heat and sparks. Aprons are worn mainly by woodworkers, blacksmiths, cobblers, barbers, bartenders, fabricators, and welders.
The most common reason why people wear aprons is for hygiene purposes. They protect your clothes from dust and all debris, depending on what you are working on. Aprons act as a protective barrier to your inner clothes and your skin when heat is involved.
Washing a waxed canvas apron
It’s important to note that detergent is not suitable for washing waxed canvas as it tends to break down the material. The best advisable way is to spot clean your apron using a mild soap or some cold water when it gets dirty.
In case your waxed canvas apron has some stubborn spots, you can prefer scrubbing them with a soft brush, some mild laundry detergent, and lukewarm water. To maintain the protective wax coating on your apron, never wash it in the machine or with hot water to keep it durable.
However, the wax coating may wear out over the years, and you will need to fill up the damaged areas. If this happens, get the original Martexin wax and apply it to the required patches.
Be the best by offering your waxed canvas apron the best care you can to ensure it is durable. After all, you will benefit from keeping it long without making too much unnecessary purchase of new aprons.
Are you a welder, or you work in places that require you to wear an apron? Well, you don’t need to worry much as this article has made everything clear for you. From why you need an apron, how to maintain it, and the best apron you can get.
Look after yourself better by protecting yourself with a welding safety apron. Take good care of your apron, too, to enjoy its durability features. A little bit of preventive care and proper storage of this absolutely necessary protection device can definitely go a long way in extending its useful life and, by extension, your protection.