Proper maintenance and repair can prevent an air compressor from exploding. If you are having problems with you Bostitch 6 gallon air compressor, you should learn how to fix it.
Bostitch 6 gallon is a popular air compressor that is common among most DIYers. It comes with at least three major components, namely the tank, regulator, and pump. The tank contains the compressed air while the regulator cycles the pump and keeps the pressure steady. Some of the issues that users experience with this air compressor are either mechanical or electrical. Read on to learn how to fix the different issues of this air compressor.
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Here are some of the problems of Bostitch 6 gallon air compressor and their solutions
Electrical problems
While using Bostitch 6 gallon air compressor, you may experience an issue with the circuit breaker tripping repeatedly. This is an electrical problem that you may experience when the electrical components fail to work as expected. It also occurs if a loose drive belt makes the motor work harder than it should, thus overheating the run capacitor. This results in the tripping of the breaker. Sometimes, the capacitor can overheat due to inadequate motor lubrication. If the capacitor blows for no specific reason, it could simply be defective.
The compressor failing to switch on
If you cannot get the air compressor started, you should look for loosely connected power cords. Ensure that the air compressor is plugged in correctly and that the switch is on. If it still does not work, hit the reset button that is found near the motor. Using this button allows you to reset the unit’s circuit breaker. If it stills fails to work, you should try plugging your air compressor into a different socket.
Apart from that, a tripped breaker could also be causing the problem. If a breaker keeps on tripping repeatedly, or the air compressor fails to work even when there is power, the problem could be the unit itself. You can solve this problem in different ways. Start by inspecting the capacitors. If you find out that one of them is partially melted or blackened, there is a high chance that it is blown. You, therefore, need to replace it. Make use of the air compressor’s manual to find the electrical components and assess how you can remove them.
Alternatively, you should confirm if there are any leaks from the hose or tank fittings. Try spraying around the region using some soapy water. Check for any bubbles during the test. Bubbles indicate the presence of a leak. Once you have found a leak, you can repair the hose or tighten the tank fittings accordingly. Make use of Teflon tape to tighten the fittings. You should also do the test for bubbles again using soapy water. If you still notice bubbles make use of more Teflon tape to tighten the fittings further.
Sometimes, Bostitch 6 gallon air compressor may fail to switch on when the motor shaft is jammed. To solve this, you should first unplug it from the power outlet then remove the belt. Check the motor shaft to confirm that it is spinning freely. In case you notice that it is jammed, you should disassemble the motor so that you can repair it. Adjusting the belt tension can also solve this problem. If the belt is worn out, you should consider replacing it.
The compressor failing to maintain the desired pressure
This air compressor should deliver air at the specific pressure you set. If the pressure is not as desired, the unit cannot work correctly. If the pressure is low, the problem could be a leak. Improperly adjusting the pressure regulator can also cause this problem. If this air compressor builds excess pressure, the cause of the problem could be the switch. You can adjust the pressure by using the regulator provided. Moving the knob clockwise increases the pressure while moving it anticlockwise reduces it.
Sometimes, this compressor can produce low pressure and operate quite loudly. This indicates that the motor is aging, or some of the parts are worn out or loose. Such causes make the compressor take time to build enough pressure. If you notice that the pump seals are worn out, you should make arrangements to replace them. Instead of trying to repair the compressor on your own, it is advisable to service it from time to time.
If you notice that your compressor starts well but keeps on stalling after that, it shows that the unloader valve has malfunctioned. Since fixing a bad unloader valve is not easy, you should consider replacing it. You can even replace the whole switch assembly.
Moisture build-up in the air lines
When the air gets compressed, some of the moisture condenses and accumulates in the air lines and tank. If you are using this air compressor for a paint job, the condensed moisture can cause issues. The tool can freeze up, especially when the weather is too cold. You can solve this problem by using the drain plug to release the water every time you use the air compressor. When the weather is too cold, you should attach a water filter on the port before attaching the hose.
Final thoughts
Though Bostitch 6 gallon is a quality air compressor that you can use for long, it is not exactly perfect. Knowing some of the common problems that users face with this air compressor, and learning how to fix them can save you from frustrations. You can make some quick fixes on the compressor if, for instance, it fails to start, does not maintain the right pressure, or has leakage issues. Some of the fixes have to do with the replacement of parts like the valve, tubing, or gauge. Once you experience any problem with this air compressor, try to identify the cause and determine if you can fix it yourself. You should consider getting an expert to help you when the problem is too complex.