You might think that picking the right soft water filter shower isn’t a big deal. But it should be given a great deal of thought and consideration, like all important matters in life.
After all, showering is an essential function in every person’s daily existence. A freshening shower that trickles down and thus, cleansing and soothing water all over our bodies are what we need.
So you have to make sure your bathing water is clean, and a great way to ensure it is to get a filter to attach to your showerhead.
However, you don’t know to use a shower filter and only have a vague understanding of it. You want to be aware of how to use a showerhead and know how long do shower filters last.
All your questions will be answered once you read through this article. And you will learn all about shower filter-related stuff that you can eventually use to make your bathing experiences better.
Table of Contents
What is a soft water filter shower?
Its name is self-explanatory: It’s a filter that you attach to the showerhead to get cleaner water for bathing.
For a time, it is was an in-demand item, and the trend continues until this day. It is understandable since being clean is a basic human need, and showering is the best way to do it.
Water filters are usually to have clean water to drink, and most people know about that. But for showering? Most people hardly care about it and don’t give it much thought. After all, it’s only for bathing, and you won’t consume it.
People soon found out that you cannot bathe on any type of water to be able to get the sensation of getting freshly bathed. There are substances in the water that are irritating and harmful to the hair and skin of a human being, which have to be removed.
So different methods of water filtration were invented, not only for drinking but for bathing as well. This mechanism is designed so you can fasten it on your shower arm.
These filter processes use different methods or a combination of them, like KDF (kinetic degradation fluxion) element shower filter and GAC or granular activated carbon. These prove to be more than adequate to filter put contaminants coming from the shower headwater.
KDF is a redox water filter that utilizes the redox reaction, while GAC assimilates and entraps the molecules.
At first, it was intended to filter out pollutants and enable the water to be safe for bathing. As time passed and newer discoveries were made, it evolved into making the water quality better, by including nourishing elements along with the filtering system.
Tips to get better shower filter for your home
Selecting the right shower filter for your home can be a little intimidating. Before buying one, you should know the kind of chemicals in the water supply of your home, be it municipal or well water.
Other important details you have to know are your shower arm’s height, your preferred water pressure, and if you want single or multi-spray shower settings.
If you either rent or own your place of residence, it’s easy to replace a shower filter and will take few minutes of your time. Then you can go ahead and take soothing bathe in it.
Know what is in your water
You have to find out if the H2O in your house has been treated with chloramine or chlorine. Knowing this would instruct you on the kind of filter you’ll need to get.
So you have to give a call to your city or municipal water supplier to give you that information. If they indeed treat your H2O supply with chloramine, then a chloramine shower filter is the one you need.
If sulfur or rust is the element present in your H2O supply, there are filters available in the market. They have a high output cartridge that decreases rust in the water (iron oxide), hydrogen sulfide, other heavy metals, and bad smells.
What does the filter remove?
Firstly, the filter balances your water’s pH and removes harmful contaminants that cause irritation and discomfort. And many other health concerns. Substances like the ones mentioned above are removed by the filter.
Also, those elements can create discoloration of your sink or bath. And if left untreated, it will continue to degrade the surfaces.
Replacing the shower head
Substituting the showerhead for another one that has a filter does not necessitate a plumber. You can do it easily and probably take a few minutes of your precious time.
Most showerheads in the USA, Mexico, and Canada have a one-half inch pile thread in shower arms. You can replace it by using your hands or sometimes with a pair of pliers to unfasten the old showerhead. And substituting the filter cartridge also won’t be an issue.
Do throw away the old showerhead. If you are merely renting and want to bring the shower head filter once you move and put the old one back.
Choose the right filter for your home
The answer will vary, depending on the needs of the homeowner. One factor to consider is the shower arm’s height, which is measured beginning from below the stall or bathtub. It will decide if you need a hand-held or stationary shower filter.
If your bathroom has a high shower arm, a stationary type is more suitable for you. It is because hand-held models might reach the ceiling and will spread out the shower spray.
If your bathroom’s shower arm low or medium, the hand-held kind is preferred because it raises by seven inches the showerhead’s height. It’s a suitable filter type for average middle-income households.
Shower filter benefits
The hand-held type is more adaptable than the other. It works the same way as stationary types and has a six-foot hose that you can spray on any body part you prefer.
It functions effectively for kids, showers with seats, pets, and for cleaning the entire bathroom.
It also has a fantastic effect on your hair and skin and takes out unwanted pollutants like chlorine. If it’s mixed with hot water, the chlorine will become gas and gets in your body through your skin, eyes, and nose and induces skin irritation, a hardness of breathing, and many more.
Another benefit from it is the minerals.
The minerals in the tap water can cause no harm if consumed, and some are even good for you. However, if you bathe in it using soap, the chemicals in the soap will react to the chemicals that make it stick to the hair and skin and causes irritations.
Despite that, the filtering system in your show can perk you up whenever you bathe in it. And give you an added refreshment so you can conquer the day ahead.
Replacing the filter cartridges
You have a way to replace the cartridge if it loses its ability to filter out contaminants. Once you purchase one, it usually has a replaceable filter along with it. Depending on its usage, you can substitute it every three, six, or twelve months.
The old model cartridges are disposable, but the newer ones are recyclable.
Metal vs. plastic filter
Metal shower filters are more durable from cracking or breaking. It also has different styles to choose from and has many finishes.
Some models have brushed nickel, polished chrome, oil-rubbed bronze, or gold-plated. However, it proves the same kind of filtration as the plastic types.
Types of shower filters
If you go by the installation methods, there are two kinds of filters:
Filtered shower head
It is a showerhead assembly piece with an inherent filter system. The way it works is that you need to take out the existing showerhead then replace it with the one that can filter.
It works like a regular water filter and purifies the water that comes out of the shower that trickles down on your body.
Portable or in-line shower filter
The way you set it up is to fasten it between the water supply line and the current showerhead. It has a solid stature and is built compactly. And you won’t exert much effort in installing it in your bathroom.
Other kinds that filters particular substances
- Chloramine filter- This compound is less damaging than chlorine but still a danger to your health if mixed with hot water. It uses a vitamin C filtering medium with great success.
- Chlorine filter- This kind is the most prevalent in the market and is the first one made like a manufactured shower filter. It uses filtering mediums like GAC, KDF, or calcium sulfite.
- Fluoride filter- It is the current shower filter craze. However, there hasn’t been concrete information of harmful side effects that fluoride has on the human body.
KDF filter
KDF or kinetic degradation fluxion is the process used in this filter type. It functions to its maximum effectiveness if used along with other kinds of filters.
It is a cost-effective medium and is a central participant in most kinds of shower filters. KFF has many versions: KDF-C, KDF 55, KDF-F, and KDF 85.
KDF 55 can get rid of the smell and taste of chlorine and is the most prevalent alternative as a medium for filtration.
KDF 85 can remove hydrogen sulfide and iron in the water. Since KDF is already cheap, buyers will especially appreciate it due to its durability and effectiveness.
KDF-C (coarse mesh) and KDF-F (fines) are other versions of KDF 55 and 85. They are made for a particular purpose in specific situations.
A good example is KDF-F is better incorporated with carbon blocks, which leads to more effectiveness.
Explaining KDF 55 further
You might wonder, does KDF remove chloramine? It is specifically designed to get rid of chlorine, not chloramine. It does it by manipulating the reduction/oxidation or redox reaction.
In particular, it utilizes brass granules, with the accompaniment of portions of zinc and copper alloy. Then all of them will form a filtering body.
Whenever polluted H2O passes through, there will happen an electrochemical reaction. It will cause electrons to be transplanted between molecules and change the pollutants into harmless substances that you can consume.
If chorine undergoes the KDF 55 process, it will break down from the reaction and dissolves into consumable chloride.
Also, KDF 55 can be incorporated with other filter types like GAC. And can aid in managing bacteria, fungi, and algae buildup.
How to soften hard water in shower
You might be thinking, is shower filter worth it? Yes, it does, and it is apparent while working with hard water.
Hard water has an undesirable effect on a person’s hair and skin. When it comes into contact with the chemicals in soap, it will produce a soap curd. It will have a bad effect on a person’s hair and make it unmanageable.
Also, the curd will keep bacteria and dirt from being washed off from the body and obstruct recovery of the skin to return to normal.
The best way to soften hard water is through the shower filter. It will undergo a process wherein a water softener will work hand-in-hand with a shower filter.
Using only a shower filter won’t work against hard water. You will need a top-quality water softener to make the water soft and excellent for bathing.
How long will a filter last
A shower filter is particularly made to last for a long time. And it will depend on how often it is used and the kind that you have in your bathroom.
Some types can last the homeowner for a few years, and some only a couple of months. For showerhead filters specifically, most users can use them continuously for six months.
An average shower filter can handle 10k to 12k gallons of H2O or about six months of usage for a regular household. The home may consist of a family of four, and each person will get to shower once a day.
Once an average filter reaches the six-month mark, it won’t be effective anymore that.
Making sure you and your family are healthy should be a priority in your household. And having clean water to bathe and drink should not be taken lightly.
So it is crucial to get the right filter to fit your showerhead. This way, your whole body will get cleaned and be nourished by it.