Getting a chainsaw for the first time can be exhilarating. You simply can’t wait to try it.
Even so, how do you start it? Well, an electric chainsaw will be easier as you push a button.
But how do you start a gas chainsaw?
Read along to find out.
Table of Contents
Necessary preparations before starting your chainsaw
Before you get your chainsaw out and cut down a tree or buck them, there are several things you need to do first.
It would be best if you prepared the chainsaw and yourself. Let’s start with preparing yourself.
Safety precautions before you start your chainsaw
There are several options for safety gear that you can use when you want to operate your chainsaw.
The most straightforward option is getting a chainsaw safety gear suit that is complete with all the necessary protective gear. If not, here is a list you can check against:
• Cut retardant or leather gloves
• Chainsaw helmet
• Steel boots
• Goggles or choose a helmet with a face protection screen
• Earmuffs or headphones
• Chainsaw chaps
Other safety measures include:
Always have a cleared getaway path. That way, if you plan to fall a tree, you will be able to get away as soon as possible before the tree starts falling.
The escape route should be free of all obstacles, including fallen branches, stones, and anything else that can quickly prevent you from getting to safety.
You should also ensure that you have a buddy with you when setting out to use the chainsaw. The other person can be of help in case of accidents or emergencies.
However, if the other person is not sawing, they should stay clear of the work area but close enough to hear your calling for help.
Another precaution is setting up warning signs to let people passing nearby know that you are logging, and they should keep a safe distance off the area.
The last thing you want is risking the life of others.
As a general precautionary measure, you should always start your chainsaw at least three feet from the gas refilling station.
And ensure that you use the chainsaw in a well-ventilated area.
That is because chainsaws emit toxic fumes when the engine starts running. Although the gasses are colorless and odorless, they are harmful to your health.
It is always best you work in an area with adequate ventilation to ensure that you can breathe correctly.
Also, remember to check your work area floor to ensure it’s not uneven to prevent the risk of tripping and falling while working with the chainsaw.
Plus, if the floor is freshly tripped wood or wet, you can risk falling. A fall like that can be fatal because the chainsaw will still be running.
Another safety tip is never working under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or even when you are tired. You may not be able to think straight in case of an emergency.
That is putting your life on the line. Is it really worth it?
Plus, you should think through every possible scenario in case of emergencies and accidents and develop ways to deal with them.
If possible, come up with different getaway routes and clear them.
Lastly, it would be best to always use the chainsaw below your shoulder length, not above it or too low where you have to squat.
By cutting at these heights, you risk harming yourself. And climbing up a tree or a ladder to cut above you will make you lose control of the height.
You may not be able to get to safety in case of an emergency.
Prepping the chainsaw before you start it
Now that you are ready let’s get the chainsaw ready. The first step is to fill the chainsaw with the right ratio of gas to oil.
That is either a 50:1 or a 40:1. You can get this in the instructions manual.
The step is to inspect the guide bar and the chainsaw chain for any unwanted substances like dirt that could prevent the oil from lubricating it or moving the chain.
If it’s good to go, fill the chain oil reservoir and the guide bar.
The last but not least step is checking and adjusting the chain tension. It shouldn’t be too tight or loose as it can come off while using it and fly straight into your face causing severe injuries.
Instead, the chain should move freely around the bar.
All good to go? Now let’s start it.
How to start a gas chainsaw
The moment you have been eagerly waiting for is here. Follow these steps to get your chainsaw running and sawing.
Step 1; Steady the chainsaw on level ground. It is dangerous to start the chainsaw in the air or o a higher surface because you will not have control over it.
To secure your chainsaw in place, put your right foot in the rear handle, and firmly press it down.
At the same time, you should have your left hand encircled around the top handlebar. As a precaution, ensure that nothing is grazing or near your chainsaw’s guide bar or on the chain.
Step 2; Employ the chain brake. The chain brake is in front of the top handlebar, and you can push it forward by leaning your wrist.
That will employ the brakes preventing the chain from turning while you start the chainsaw.
Step 3; turn on the chainsaw. There’s a flip on and off switch.
Turn it on, and then move the lever or knob to a fully open position to open the choke. The choke is what controls the gas and oil mix going into the engine.
Step 4; draw fuel from the tank into the carburetor. The primer bulb is what draws the fuel.
To do so, you need to press it at least five times, or up to the time you feel the bulb stiffening, and you can see it’s full of fuel.
Step 5; pull the starting cord to crank up the chainsaw. It would be best if you were careful not to pull the cord too hard or too fast to prevent it from breaking.
Keep your left hand encircled on the top handlebar and your right foot in the rear handle.You should also ensure that the chain brakes are still engaged.
Use your right hand to pull the starting cord a couple of times till the engine is trying to turn over and fail.
Step 6; pull the choke lever to rest in a halfway position. Only do this step when you hear the engine trying to turn over and failing.
After adjusting the choke, repeat pulling the starting cord several times until the engine starts and idles. You can leave it idling for at least 30 more seconds to prevent the chainsaw from stalling out.
Step 7; pull the choke lever to a close position. That closes the choke, but the chainsaw will still run.
You can now disengage the chain brakes by pulling it back with your right hand. That will allow the chin to spin after starting the chainsaw.
Step 8; get to work. Hold the chainsaw firmly with both hands and stand. Ensure that you are in a comfortable position to have more control over this powerful tool.
You can then pull the throttle to start sawing. Here, use the index and middle fingers of your right hand.
How to start a chainsaw that was in use a while ago
The above procedure is for starting a chainsaw for the first time.
However, if you were using the chainsaw a couple of minutes ago and took a break, then the procedure is slightly different.
For starters, you will not need to use the choke since the engine is primed with fuel. Here are the steps to follow:
Step 1; put your right foot on the rear handle with the chainsaw on the ground. And turn the chainsaw on and off switch.
Encircle the top handlebar with your left hand and engage the chains to break.
Step 2; you can now pull the start cord several times until you hear the engine turning over and then idling. Now stand up with the chainsaw firmly in both your hands.
Pull the throttle once the chainsaw reaches you lift the chainsaw to your waist level, and start sawing.
How to stop a running chainsaw
Now that you know how to start a chainsaw, you should know how to stop one. When you finish using the chainsaw or take a few minutes to break, turn off the switch.
Or you can release your fingers from the trigger.
Final Word
Starting your chainsaw is not a complicated task. However, you need to follow the guide step by step to turn on the chainsaw successfully.
While at it, ensure that you are comfortable and your grip is firm on the chainsaw (both hands).
However, you must follow the safety measures stated in your instruction manual and the ones explained in this guide.
Ignoring one measure may lead to severe injury to you and others around you. Plus, you may risk causing severe damage to properties.
From the safety tips to the safety gear, you should always prepare adequately before starting your saw. Otherwise, have fun enjoying your power tool.