Because of the wide range of lawnmower types available, there is no specific standard on the number of years a lawnmower should last. The phrase 'they don't make them like they used to make them,' is very commonly used to refer to lawnmowers. With stiff competition among different manufacturers, the pressure to reduce price is at an all-time high. The machines produced are … [Read more...] about How long do lawn mowers last?
Lawn Mowers
How do robotic lawn mowers work?
Mowing can be a challenging undertaking for those with large lawns. Riding lawn mowers have traditionally been used to mow massive lawns. But what if you want to add style to your mowing and save time. Thanks to technology, you can now trim your yard with a robotic lawnmower. You've probably seen those devices smoothly cutting grass and disappearing into the neighbor's house … [Read more...] about How do robotic lawn mowers work?
Does riding mower have alternator?
Only riding mowers have alternators. Riding mowers are powered by engines, and all engines have alternators that help in moving the mower. Alternator is keeping the battery level constant. Riding mowers also come with an oil reservoir for lubrication as well as a gas tank. The charging system of the lawnmower (the alternator) works just like that of a vehicle. Once you ignite … [Read more...] about Does riding mower have alternator?
Can lawn mowers get wet?
Whether you own an electric lawnmower or a robotic one, you could be wondering about the question: can lawn mowers get wet. Chances are you have used your electric lawn mower to cut wet grass or accidentally left it in the rains. Although lawn mowers don't suddenly stop functioning once they come into contact with water, it is good practice to keep them away from wetness as … [Read more...] about Can lawn mowers get wet?
Can you use car oil in a lawnmower and make it run?
Can you use car oil in a lawnmower without breaking down? If you are an avid gardening aficionado and tend to take lawn care maintenance and lawn mowing seriously, this question may have popped inside your brain. What is the best oil for a lawnmower? It is a better question to ask than the first one because it directly relates to your lawn mowing usage. The answer will be … [Read more...] about Can you use car oil in a lawnmower and make it run?
Changing a bad lawn mower spark plug
You have a bad lawn mower spark plug, but you don’t know how anything about it, let alone changing it. So what should you do? The best thing that you can do is to learn everything about your gas-powered lawnmower. And many of its essential parts like the spark plug. And maybe, when something untoward happens to your mower, you will be able to diagnose the problem and fix it … [Read more...] about Changing a bad lawn mower spark plug
Does grass spread? Simple lawn care tips
Does grass spread to the bare spots on your lawn? How does grass get its food? How does grass grow? As a residential owner that genuinely cares for your lawn, you might be interested to know the answers to these questions. You want to make it as beautiful as could be and get that well-manicured aesthetic that all homeowners want. To get into the essential portion of the … [Read more...] about Does grass spread? Simple lawn care tips
How to make grass thicker and fuller: A guide to proper lawn maintenance
Do you like to know how to make grass thicker and fuller? You might think it's an easy enough undertaking, wherein it's just mowing and watering turfgrass. There’s more stuff to do than that, very much more. There are essential things to consider, like aerating and fertilizing, which are complicated procedures to do. If you do the right approach, your garden or lawn will … [Read more...] about How to make grass thicker and fuller: A guide to proper lawn maintenance
Dos and don’ts of mowing tall grass
Is mowing tall grass a pain in your neck? Are you wondering why they grow so tall in the shortest time possible? The cutting overgrown lawn might be a strenuous undertaking. But with the right gardening tools and equipment by your side and bucket loads of elbow grease, you can tame this wild herbage. Your tall grass lawn might look discouraging, but do not give up. There … [Read more...] about Dos and don’ts of mowing tall grass
The easiest ways to remove rocks from yard areas
Are you raring to remove rocks from yard, but you don't know how? You might think it's a hard undertaking, but it very doable. If you have the right tools and a ton of elbow grease, you can move mountains. If you are a gardening aficionado trying to grow an expansive and flourishing garden or yard, your enemies are ugly rocks on the topsoil. You want to get rid of dastardly … [Read more...] about The easiest ways to remove rocks from yard areas
Is my lawnmower smoking? Find out the reasons why
Is your lawnmower smoking and scared the pants off of you? Don't be alarmed. You have a right to be afraid, and it is warranted. You might be wondering why would a lawnmower blow white smoke anyway? Is it part of its whole functionality? There can be many reasons why a typical mower will discharge smoke, and a lot of them do not necessitate the aid of a service … [Read more...] about Is my lawnmower smoking? Find out the reasons why
What size lawn mower do I need? A complete guide in buying the right mower for you
You're puttering aimlessly around your yard, and a single thought suddenly hits you: What size lawn mower do I need? It's like a bright shining light that came out of nowhere and piercing your soul. You need, no, you want a mower and fast. However, you know next to nothing about this big gardening equipment. So you want to know more. The first thing you need to know about … [Read more...] about What size lawn mower do I need? A complete guide in buying the right mower for you
Electric vs gas mower: Which is better for your lawn?
Winter is finally over, spring has sprung, your grass will grow tall again, but you haven't decided on selecting between electric vs. gas mower. But which is better anyway? Many years ago, in the early days of engineering and technology, there were only two alternatives when it came to lawn mowing: gas-powered or a manual reel-type. The gas-powered ones at this time were … [Read more...] about Electric vs gas mower: Which is better for your lawn?
Why mowing wet grass is not a good idea
If you’re thinking about mowing wet grass, you probably shouldn’t. It can come from heavy rains or even light to moderate rain showers, which creates the same conditions for your lawn. Also, you might think mowing early in the day might be excellent for your schedule, but you have to contend with the formation of dew on your lawn, which creates a hindrance for landscaping … [Read more...] about Why mowing wet grass is not a good idea
My lawnmower wont start? Read This Post and Find out the reasons why
Are you losing your nerve and have reached this point in asking yourself why my lawnmower wont start? If you’re having lawn mower problems, it’s not the end of the world. With a couple of troubleshooting steps, you can fix it to be good as new. My lawn mower won’t start after winter The cold months are finally over, and spring has sprung. Your lawn grass is beginning to … [Read more...] about My lawnmower wont start? Read This Post and Find out the reasons why